AFK is a type faster to say "away from keyboard" is an abbreviation, and is more used by people who play games
John is AFK
Jake isn't walking, I think what he is AFK
by Obi_Will_Kenobi September 22, 2021
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''away from keyboard''
In Roblox..

MrCRAzY20_7:I will find this guy

MrCRAzY20_7:how come?
Ellaplays123violent: because he is afk.
Chat: MrCRAzY20_7 has died
by Hacker11_54 September 2, 2018
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I’m not gonna be afk for a couple hours I have work.
by Mxfawtylik April 1, 2021
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Scumbags in PUBG that wait until all of the afk players drop to get a mass amount of kills to feel good about themselves.
Afk hunters be like —Bro 1-“Hey bro we already dropped!”Bro 2- “Nah, I’m afk hunting like a little faggot.” Bro 1-“ Bro that’s Uber gay, after this game we cant play together.”
by Fuk lil bitchs October 4, 2019
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When a girl keeps on afking in battlegrounds or world pvp.
by NotSepu September 13, 2020
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when a person leaves without saying anything or when a person says they are gonna do something that takes 5 mins to do but end up going out for a long period of time
Malek: Yo guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick
2hrs later
Yak: Did that guy just fake afk us
Tensive: ye gango he did
by yakonurcheeks September 13, 2023
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