That attractive just got out of work look
Wow he looks great in his truck fit
by Jhigh25 March 17, 2023
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A movement that seeks to promote and make legal guys going around on a truck with chains and clubs etc. to beat up anyone who looks like they just ain't no good.
Such a truck is called a beat truck.
by Judge dredd7 December 27, 2011
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Secondary 3 snow removal students that help in situations such as getting stuck on a snow bank, they sacrifice their time to help others and make their day
Did you hear of the tow truck gang?
Anthony: yes I did they helped me when I was in a hurry to work
by Tow truck gang January 28, 2018
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A large pickup truck, typically raised with extra-cab long wheelbase, usually from an American manufacturer, driven by a caucasian male for no meaningful functional or work/vocational related purpose.
"I cannot believe that Merica Truck took up two parking spots!"

"I only date guys that drive Merica Trucks."

"Look at that Merica Truck rolling coal on that Tesla."
by EMan2575 July 6, 2019
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It's a big truck that can carry stuff in the back of it. As the name implies the truck "dumps" things by tilting the bed of the truck so all the stuff falls out.
by BensPlaza February 10, 2021
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any of the 5 second of summer members have them. dump truck means fat ass and they all have that. so be jealous
by ashtoncallmenow April 6, 2021
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