What you say when youve just had enough and cant be bovered to listen to someone drone on for any longer.
geography teacher: today we are learning about global warming

!st person: global warming will soon cause massive destruction and in about 40 generations global death.

2nd person:do you know what, i dont give a bloody shit.
by daisyssis21 December 8, 2009
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if someone is insinuating that you know about their specific situation ... however the person you are speaking with has no clue ...

this phrase was invented 10/24/2016
I was born in cuba ... dont you know what ...

"i did not know that ... i dont know your life, i dont pour your cereal"
by Jewgene October 24, 2017
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You're mixing X with Y and you don't even know how the Y affect the X and how the X affect the Y
"yo bid'n. Y'all white niggas dun no anythin'. There's a saying in ma community You're Dipping In The Kool-Aid And You Don't Even Know The Flavor"
by WordMaker6k September 8, 2019
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The correct way to taunt on playgrounds. Often missaid as "I know you are, you said you are, but what am I?". Mostly by australians. Often shortened to "I know you are but what am I?"
Timmy: "you're a poop head"
Aaron: "I know you are what you said you are, so what am I?"
Timmy: *cries*
by TDYank June 10, 2020
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When you are surfing Urban Dictionary and you reach the point of satisfaction where you've sufficed yourself with countless memes, crude humor, random slangs and whoever the fuck Samantha Mackenzie is and why she's so beautiful/amazing/etc... then you proceed to type this very sentence into the search box. You probably only wanted to search something like "I dont know what" or "I dont know what to search" which lead you to this post. Realize now that you are here, in this very point in space and time. Embrace it. Then continue to question what the fuck you're still doing on this page, and why you're still reading this.
Guy to self: "Alright, time to find out what a loli is!"

-stares blankly at screen-

Guy to self: "Wait, what was I.. ah, whatever!"

-proceeds to type out "i dont know what to search right now" and ends up on this very page, which autocompleted as "i dont know what to search right now why the fuck am I on urbandictionary" and had to be mentioned within this example because of Urban Dictionary guidelines-
by The Worlds Loneliest Man July 2, 2019
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