Marking something someone is doing, plans to do, or has done as excellent, neat, impressive, or exciting. Can be applied to people, events, fortune, and inanimate objects.
David: “I’ve been practicing and have come a long way! I’m not great yet, but I’m working really hard.”

Rory: “Good for you, man! Cool tag!”


David: “Look, fucker. The donuts are on sale.”
Rory: “Cool tag. Let’s buy three dozen.”
by updice September 9, 2020
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when you are hooking up/FWB with somebody and y'all go back and forth with each other regarding feelings, but it is never mutual at the same time. one month the girl is obsessed with the guy and he just wants to hook up, and then the next month the opposite is the case, and it goes back and forth. a never ending game of tag.
Charlotte and I have been playing love tag since we started talking. She wanted to date me and I only wanted to hook her, and then a few months later I wanted to date and she didn't, and now it is back to where we started.
by thomas de luna must die January 10, 2021
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Sally showed me her talent tags on our first date.
by DMunee October 21, 2023
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A way of representing in a visiblr way your nickname by drawing or writting it on every pubic surface. For some people this might be their favourite hobby or passion but others say it's a way of vandalism.
Sovl is the best at tagging in my city. That dude is cool af.
by pedropachecopiss November 24, 2021
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When Rambo the Basket Snake and his minions of poison exchange illegal data wirelessly with their Cobra Card Transmitters.
Rambo the Basket Snake: You get the data Sanchezo?

Sanchezo: Yeaaaaahr. Wireless Cobra Tag helps mucho giganto time.
by yuiuyuiuyuiuy August 15, 2008
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When a friend on facebook wants to talk to you Via Status by tagging you in a status, a variant of wall-posting, most people find this kind to be very annoying and almost immediately untag themselves. Normally the post will be in what kids call "text talk" meaning it may go like this "AYYYY @JOHN WALL B SP3N1N THE N1GHT NIQQA!" It may even get worse, because we all know the black population forgot how to type English.
@Genericname, y dont u spend tha nite 2day? as' ur rents if can

*untags*, chats friend *no, I don't want to, because I have something to do in the morning, if you need to talk to me, chat me."

lol ok durr mang

this is a Tag/ Spam post
by sickoftexttalk May 14, 2011
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