An action of offensive and pointless stupidity; an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive and pointless stupidity
A person farts in a crowded elevator and screams “It was I” and laughs maniacally. It smells really bad and people start to get sick. The person starts plays to play a TikTok compilation on full volume without using headphones. It’s person is a YouTube.
by YourwelcomeRT January 22, 2023
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An act of offensive and pointless stupidity; an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive and pointless stupidity (Def: 1)

An action of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence; a person who acts with inoffensive or purposeful intelligence; a moment of inoffensive and purposeful intelligence (Def: 2)
by Halohulk January 25, 2023
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YouTube is a platform for uploading videos about everything usely for uploading long time videos but YouTube is contered YouTube shorts which is great
YouTube Contered YouTube shorte
by Cool yt December 23, 2021
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A viewing platform that slowly is killing creators with words like milk being demonetized
I watched youtube for 70% of my childhood
by PineMan737 November 26, 2019
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Youtube: An action of offensive and pointless stupidity; an individual who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a
moment of offensive and pointless stupidity
A person farts in a crowded elevator and screams «It was !" and
laughs maniacally. It smells really bad and people start to get sick.
The person starts to play a Tiktok compilation on full volume
without using headphones. This person is a Youtube.
by TurtleWithATopphat January 25, 2023
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YouTube is a app or website where you can watch and post videos
Person 1:dude lets watch something on YouTube
Person 2:ok but after that let's post a video
by MeowMeow5000 February 25, 2016
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A bad platform ran by susan wabacock
by Gay like you December 13, 2020
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