1. The charity swamp rat dinner shouldn't be called a dinner. It should be called an eat.
2. The original name of the team was the NJ Swamp Rats.
by Ninja Clan Lord March 18, 2017
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Usually wearing leggings and Air Force ones. Typically wearing a tank with tits out. Likely has thick mascara on.
Friend 1:Wow that girl looks swampy
Friend 2:Yea probably from etobs
Friend 1: So swamp etobs
by Lolhaha1 September 9, 2021
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When your using a mildly dirty and smelly portable toilet on a super hot day and your pooping in there while your and sweating a lot like a dirty dog on a summers day and your thinking to yourself “oh man what I would do to take a shit in an air conditioned bathroom”.
Jheez, Vincent came outta that potable like he just had a swamp potty.
by Dannie Desantie April 17, 2021
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A swamp turd is someone who is extremely lazy.
Carol: bob don’t be such a swamp turd.
Bob: Oh Jesus Christ carol here we go agin.
Carol: well bob all you do is sit around and drink all day.
by rat_excavators July 16, 2021
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A swamp turd is someone who is slow mentally and physically
Carol: Bob your such a swamp turd.
Bob: Oh Jesus Christ carol here we go again. Just because I have toe fungus doesn’t make me a swamp turd.
Carol:Bob your a swamp turd because you clench your butt cheeks when you run. Not because of your toe fungus

(Bob’s way of running is walking with a small skip)
by rat_excavators July 16, 2021
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When two overweight burly bear men slather themselves in maple syrup and wrestle naked.
How much where tickets to go see the honey on the swamp show.
by Zynonn January 9, 2022
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