Something so terrible yet awesome at the same time.

Usually said in connection to doing something illegal yet, that person somehow getting away with it.

It also can be referring to "so bad it's good" or the indecisiveness between something being so awful or awesome.

Similar to "wicked" and "bad."
"I did donuts in my former boss's yard tearing his shit up. That shit was so nasty-bad. He never found out it was me."

"Dude, that video of that speeding biker evading the police helicopters was so nasty-bad. How did they NOT catch him?"

Malefic. She got nasty-bad vengeance on the coworkers and supervisors that unfairly got her fired from her last job. No idea how she did it.

Jim Carrey's haircut in Ace Ventura is so nasty-bad. I can't tell if it's really awful or really awesome.
by LunaForLunch September 26, 2020
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zombieslimes residence
yo ima pull up to the nasty hole
by birdshaftt August 30, 2023
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A person who sometimes lacks balls, often times controlled by a significant other or bearded parent of some sort. Tend to indelve themselves in a hobby such as working out or destroying things.
He was so Bole Nasty, he would get his father fish from the local fish fry rather than do something of his own enjoyment
by Clutchapuck February 16, 2009
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Nasty yoghurt abbreviated to NY is teenage slang to convey disgust or something irkesome and convey a general sense of annoyance.
He is such a liar NY (nasty yoghurt)
by Bobywobylobydobymob July 15, 2023
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A poorly made Mac and cheese made by a women named Carys
Ay yo Carys, this Nasty Pete is way to nasty.
by Ojansmo January 10, 2022
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New age scholars transcending youth
Nasty’z: students from a lower class community transforming their life in a positive direction .
by A strong person February 20, 2019
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