having or displaying a very confident attitude or manner.
Wow your shoes are swaggy
by Grace Lou September 24, 2020
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Having dope ass style while being so cool, wholesome, attractive, funny and 5'7". Swaggy also means being an amazing frikin friend.
Cosmin is so swaggy and I wanna be like him when i grow up.
by beep ♥️ February 21, 2022
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Has a massive penis, glitchiest human to walk the earth.
by Hshsbbshs March 10, 2022
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Swaggy is just another word for amazing and pretty fucking awesome. It can be used in all circumstances and in any way shape or form. it is definitely the best word out there.
Person 1: How was your day?

Person 2: Pretty swaggy
by VibeCheck420 November 8, 2019
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