A young, attractive male has been partying like a mother fucker for the past 2 weeks. The only time he takes off for partying is to go out for a nice big dinner. Then he proceeds to tell everyone that he has gotten only 20 minutes of sleep the past week and he needs his rest. The group then calls his ass out on it and calls him a bull-shitter. Shortly after this, he will end up clubbing for the 15th straight night.
Dis: Yo man I doubt I'm going out tonight
Nasir: Why man it's friday?
Dis: I know man it's a great night for clubbin but I only experiences the 20 minute snooze last night.
Nasir: O dude that blows, u must have had a crazy night of clubbin
Dis: Naw man I hated it and there was an incident so I had to blow off some steam.
by Grinnell April 15, 2008
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The deep seeded, bubbling resentment and pure rage the partner on the alarm clock side of the bed who doesn't have to get up yet has for the partner that keeps pleading for the snooze button to be hit "one more time". The snoozing partner invariably manages to sleep in between each snooze push and will be late for work. The alarm clock button pusher will lie there, awake and just waiting for the end of each nine minute interval because they need to hit snooze again. The snoozer feels great. The alarm clock keeper is exhausted, having been on snooze duty for 45 mins instead of sleeping.
Wayne: uhhhhh, too tired to get up, hit snooze again.
Kate: this alarm has been going off for half an hour.
Wayne: what are you on? I've only heard it once, zzzzzz
Kate: I am going to smother you with a pillow and my defense will be Snooze Button Rage.
by Amanda Lee Smoth July 18, 2012
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A particularly boring event, during which it is likely that one or more people will fall asleep.
Prof. Jensen's history class is a snooze-o-rama.
by Zymish March 7, 2007
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way to insult your homies dead grandma in a nice matter.
Guy 1: ay your new fade looks ass
Guy 2: man shut up, that's why yo grandma snoozing
by Archiea December 14, 2021
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When a girl falls asleep giving a guy a blow job.
Mary: "Jen! What happened to your forehead?"
Jen: "Mike punched me 'cuz I took a little Cock A Doodle Snooze lastnight."
by Danielle Jean March 22, 2006
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When you are so exhausted that the second your head hits the pillow, in the back of your mind you believe there is a chance you may never wake up. That is when you know you are in the midst of a snooze-o-rama.
After Coach Cal's 4am practice I laid in bed began the snooze-o-rama.
by p-rice March 3, 2006
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When the whore is asleep, you proceed to ejaculate a halo around the crown of the head. Then apply a nightcap in the fashion of the captain himself.
got home last night and the bitch was asleep so i thought she deserved a captain snooze
by HODOG & BURMDOG Pty Ltd August 16, 2008
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