A Loring Park Fountain is a sex act similar to a Bukkake, it is performed with a group of 3 or more guys forming a circle around someone who is on their knees with their mouth open like a baby bird. The guys then proceed to masturbate and ejaculate into the recipient's mouth and once everyone has finished the recipient gargles and sprays the cum into the air like a fountain.
I would really like to see Michele Bachmann receive a Loring Park Fountain with all the members of Congress blowing loads in her mouth.
by TheDukeOfPuke May 8, 2011
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Welcome to fnaf lore, where I will explain it in the quickest way possible


William afton and a guy make a cool place, youngest daughter of afton dies somehow and some son of his sees it, big brother who exists kills little brother (son from before) and william afton slaps children inculding a guys daugther (a guy from beginiing) the ghost of those children slap william and he goes dead for 30 years till rising again, big bro dies from his sister now ruling over the underground apparently, and he decides to destroy everything his father did, mr afton wakes up for the 20th time and burns with pupet, wire bear, clown, and grape. They all die exept for I always come back guy, who moves on to live underground with some woman caring for him.

I missed alot so son has nightmares, william goes to nevada (aka hell) and escapes to become a furry for the 240th time

Back to the point.

A kid beats the shit out of robots and afton and they all die the end!
I will go kms now!

I am glad you enjoyed my Fnaf lore in a nutshell
by _TheHUMANNNNNN June 7, 2023
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He went for bread or milk
Dad: "We run out of milk!"
You: "Then go and buy some"
Dad: "Bye-bye forever!"
You: "It is my dad lore"
by Kotia October 24, 2023
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A human who posseses a vast intelligence about history, details, and lore of video games in general.
If League of Legends would be given as an example, "Necrit95" would be the best person to describe as.
Necrit is such a "Lore guy", like, how does he get all that knowledge?
by Harryzmatyczny December 11, 2017
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Expecting and relying on others to know your reputation.
The new CEO did not bother to build repoire with the top executives or staff. Leaning on his lore, he instantly expected their admiration.
by BabyCakes33 April 25, 2017
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Lore about Brayden from America. His mom almost got arrested yesterday
"Please tell me all the Brayden Lore you know!"

"Okay so.."
by Slaygurlxxxxoxoxo October 27, 2022
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