Jim had a biology class, but he'd rather spend study time knocking down brews, puffing kind or hittin' skins, so he's droppin' science or he'll be flunkin' science. Either way, he'll be retakin' science.
by Crustymix March 15, 2006
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Producing excrement after consuming spicy food I.E. Mexican salsa, Indian food, Chinese Buffet's...

It is derived from the song Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash.
Ryan: Did you eat all of those Jalapenos?
Mark: Yeah, I'm going to be droppin' a Cash here in about 15.
by item535 August 15, 2005
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Slang Australian term for taking an abnormally large or above average shit, which consists of more than 8 parts.
Workers hear the thud of at least 9 pieces of shit enter a toilet bowl.

Worker: "He's totally Droppin Bombs on Baghdad"
by foana July 10, 2009
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A phrase that embodies a man's motivation to workout

Shortened to "vppd" when used in a hashtag
Just finished pumpin iron, #vppd

Hittin up the gym today, you know what they say, veins poppin, panties droppin!
by Croste July 11, 2014
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The question you must always ask the boys before dropping in a Battle Royale
Person 1: k we in the bus
Person 2: Where we droppin boys?
Person 3 : Tilted
by EloquentHexagon March 8, 2018
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an expression used by those who play the game known as "Fortnite" or by others known as "god damn it this game is retarded" the expression is now a meme as well as a question as to where we shall land.
"We got 60 seconds where we droppin boys? How bout tilted?"
by SaberToothBraden October 17, 2018
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