an unflopped department, unflopped, success of LeMonde Airlines

*Hey, what's better OS or PR?
Are you joking? PR department is literally unflopped....
you're business is like the pr department!
by skarvul June 8, 2022
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A department or building full of hoes'.
The man walked into the Hoe department.
by Dr. Awesome October 25, 2016
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A career full of buddyfuckers that screw over others in the department to benefit their own crews and/or personal interests.
Our fire department station gave the floating firefighter the worst assignment for the day because fuck him even though he was already inconvenienced by having to float to a different station.
by Firefighter Realist January 21, 2023
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The department where all the meaningless, pedantic and incoherent grievances are forwarded to.
Look, I only did what you said. If you have a problem with that, I'd recommend forwarding a compliant to The Fuckery Department.
by LongJohn112 September 22, 2022
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A place where it's filled with uwu pick mes and overpriced cheese bread with 90% bread, 9% air and 1% cheese. Here you either pee in the nasty non-flushed toilets or pee just outside the school yard.
"Hey you go to San pedro college basic education department?"
"You're so cool."
by ilikemilo October 8, 2021
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when someone has an ass thicker than the sun 100 times over again.
dude 1: did you see that girl over there?

dude 2: no, why?

dude 1: Because she was hung in the ass department, you should have seen it every time she took a step her ass jiggled and caused a shockwave.
by John_doe42069 March 11, 2023
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Unfortunately, this department cannot assist you with your problem. Why? Because I don't give a fuck.
Joey just got fired. He wants to appeal it.

He needs to talk to the department of I don't give a fuck. That guy's an idiot.
by Shuaman October 12, 2018
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