You getting busted this weekend at Finn's
Yeah course mate what else would I do

Sweet g
by bumpsandpingers December 2, 2019
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1. The state of being broken, irreparable, or malfunctioning.

2. A negative quality associated with the nature of an item, system, or process.

3. The state of being undesirable or unattractive.
1. My car wouldn't start today, that shit is so busted.

2. The road signs to get back to the interstate in Miami are confusing as hell. That shit is so busted.

3. Phil: That girl looked good from the back but she was a total butterface.
Shek: Yeah she had a hot body but her face was busted.
by MrMagicShack March 23, 2009
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Anybody or Anything that is extremely ugly. 1. Somewhere very boring. 2. Something very dumb.
1. UGH!! That dude was busted!
2. Dang that place was busted!
3. That test was busted dog.

by ☆MaJiK☆ May 7, 2008
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A word among those who use smokeless tobacco (referred to as "dip", not "chew" or "snuff" that means to use smokeless tobacco. Relatively uncommon yet still in use in various parts of the country.
I'm about to bust a dip.
by cchris May 4, 2006
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to knock a punch to cause someone to bleed (usually to nose or mouth)
"i bust ya mouth boy!"
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To bust a jack, aka to smoke a cigarette.
Bust is just another word for "hit" as in "lets hit a jack", again meaning smoke a cigarette.

We busted jacks, past tense
We just standing around busting jacks, prestent progressive
A word from the DC/ Moco area. Most other places people wont know what your talking about.

Guy 1: You wana go bust a jack?
Guy 2: ya lets go.

Pothead 1: Lets blaze
Pothead 2: Arnt your parents home right now?
Pothead 3: As long as everyone is busting jacks they wont be able to tell, it should cover up the weed smell.
Pothead 4: Strate...

Idiot 1: Yeah I fuckin just pulled out my newports and busted a jack in the middle of class!
Idiot 2: Whaaat?? thats tight man
Idiot 1: Yeah but now I have to go to Whitman cuz I got expelled from BCC for it
by SmokITup October 11, 2005
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