A random word used to express happiness, a word that pretty much means "YAY"......
PERSON 1:dude, i asked her out,

PERSON 2: and?

PERSON 1: she said yes,

PERSON 2: cool,

PERSON 1: bah-dah!
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bah:an exclamation of disgust or irritation
humbug:something is pure silly,nonsensical, or stupid
Fred-"Did you see that Vince Vaughn movie"
Marsha-"Bah humbug"
by Kool-Aid kid 7 December 6, 2008
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means my brah, another word for brother originated from Mt Druitt, Western Sydney
what’s good my bah
he’s a cat true my bah?
by Sydney Slang November 12, 2019
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An expression used when a situation or event is very unpleasant, or you're in a generally bad mood. Taken from 'bah humbug', Scrooge's universally renowned phrase, humburgers are reserved for very aggravating situations. For extreme irritation, see humburgers with cheese
Fat guy: So, yeah, could I get your number?
Girl: Sorry, I don't date men with breasts that are bigger than mine.
Fat guy: Bah humburgers!
by Ruum December 2, 2004
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Another variation of "fuck it all to hell"! Also means "who cares", "I could give a fuck", and "blah".
Bob: I just came back from the free clinic and found out I don't have herpes.
Dan: Bah Humbug!
by U. Know February 11, 2008
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Informal term for 'hello'
Used in groups of friends that understand the meaning of the phrase.
Can be blurted at a by-passing pedestrians, bike riders and random youths.
Example one: Ayup Dave---Bah Uh,

Example two: A lonely walker on the side of a country lane, 'Bah Uh' is blurted from car window.
by Mike Butler June 19, 2005
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exagerated large number used in fight club (the book)
back a bah-zillion years ago
by Lestat December 16, 2003
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