When a semi driver slams on the breaks to stop and the trailer shakes and bounces up and down. Usually due to inattentive truck drivers.
person 1- OMG! I thought that semi was gonna ass-end us.
person 2- Yeah it was having on hell of a Semi-trailer Seizure.
by esunc91 December 9, 2009
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A condition where epileptics orgasm while having a seizure. It is incredibly difficult to help people suffering from this, as they are also usually intensely attracted to lampposts while influenced. #saveourlamposts was a campaign started by Gigi Hadid, who got 47 different countries to recognize lampposts as sentient beings. At the moment, around 10000 people worldwide identify as a lamppost. People with this condition usually also have massive tits.
person a: eyo wtf is brad doing?
person b: hes having an orgasmic seizure
person a: tf is that?
person b: idfk
by johnwastaken22 November 26, 2020
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The physical condition which manifests through convulsing violently and uncontollably at a concert of ones favorite band. Often more common among men in the front rows and often combined with pointing and raising ones pinky and pointer finger.
That dude in the pit is having a full on rock seizure.
by Dr feelgood January 25, 2018
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Seizure will become incompasitated and have confulsions due to epilepsy
seizure will become the action to take one property.
Only one thing came to mind when I saw them in peril im gonna make a seizure seizure.
by Thatgrimreap May 30, 2019
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The wild, chaotic movements a person makes when listening to music. They are rocking out hard and may look crazy, but they love the music and don’t care. dancing, partying, rocking out, slam dancing, air guitar, mosh pit, break dancing, edm, electronic dance music
John is having a dance seizure on the couch, he loves electronic dance music.
by joecoolthefool February 7, 2018
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seizure kid is a bridge troll

also she's ugly
seizure kid is fat
by kat174 March 16, 2021
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A Tony Seizure, a severe type of Seizure named after politician Tony Lope, is a seizure that is caused by having to many thoughts all at once, or thinking about to many people or things.
"Why did you have a Tony Seizure?"
"I was trying to work out how many girlfriends I have, I keep messing them up"
by Therealobama69 June 20, 2021
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