daredevil. professional skydiver and best friend to an unmamed person. warrior against four wheeled rhino's, which stole 2 1/2 of his fingers. have you got a high 7 1/2 lately? A swimmer, a fighter, a dominator!
person 1: Pshh, you bet we're gonna dominate that team tonight!
Person 2: we're gonna take them from behind like nelson asbill!
by Virganna Herpes Warts December 18, 2008
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Uncle Nelson is the act of rape on somebody from behind while the rapist has the victim in a full nelson. Usually constituted by two males in prison.
"Don't pull any fast moves on Big George, or he'll give you the Uncle Nelson."
by Dr. Trud May 6, 2010
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Eric Hilliard Nelson AKA 'Ricky Nelson' (born on may 8 1940) was an American singer-songwriter, know as a rock 'n roll & pop star. He became very populair in the 50's/60's with hit songs such as "I will follow you", "Travelin'man", "A teenagers Romance" and many more. Ricky's big inspiration was Elvis presley , though, he was also a big inspiration to other upcoming musicians at that time (and i'm sure he still is). He made his film debut in 'Here Come the Nelsons' and had a small role in 'The Story of Three Loves'. Following his success on TV and with singing, Howard Hawks cast him as a gunslinger in Rio Bravo. He appeared in 33 movies/tv shows in total. He married Kris Harmon on April 20, 1963. They got 4 childeren. following the birth of their last child, the marriage had deteriorated and a very public, controversial divorce involving both families was covered in the press for several years. In October 1977, Kris filed for divorce and asked for custody of their four children. (and a portion of community property). Later in 1980 he met Helen blair. She was the only woman he dated after his divorce. Nelson died in a plane crash on December 31, 1985. All seven passengers, including Blair, died. Only the two pilots survived. Nelson's funeral took place at the Church of the Hills on January 6, 1986, and he was privately buried in the Forest Lawn in Los Angeles. (His estate was bequeathed to his children, and he did not provide for ex-wife Kris Nelson. #Karma)
Person A: "I love ricky nelson"
Person B: "He was a great musician, what is your fav. song?"
Person A: "definitely 'A Teenagers Romance' "
by MooMoo99 August 9, 2020
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wet nelson is very similar to a wet willy, but instead of putting the wet finger in the ear, you put it in the nose
I was giving wet willies to Jill all day, then I surprised her with a wet nelson.
by jerrdine January 21, 2009
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(1) British admiral during the Napoleonic wars famous for good rapport with ordinary sailors and for his brilliant leadership. Won the battle of Trafalgar, but was killed there by a French sniper. Did NOT die fighting pirates in Algeria, or anywhere else.

(2) A damn good rum, similar to, but not the same as Captain Morgan. It has a mellower flavor with a much stronger vanilla taste.
"In real life Admiral Nelson won his battles, and so too in our taste test"
by Admiral Rummy March 6, 2009
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exact same thing as captain morgans see Captain Morganonly its half the price, the smart mans rum
by jonwetz April 14, 2005
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A Full Nelson is not only a term used in Brazilian Jew-Jitsu but a term used in the bedroom (Sexually)
Joe: Did you do anything with Gumie's mother last night?
Bob: Yeah man, I put her in a Full Nelson (Sexually)
by Gummie's Mother March 17, 2022
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