another way of calling a man of nigger decent or wetback.
if you want to end war, we have to end all the coons
by Tellingithowitistruth100 March 21, 2022
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A coon is a smart black person, who is capable of independent thought.

The majority of blacks are plagued with a pack like mentality of being held down by systematic racism, false oppression, and "that white people are to blame for everything." How could this happen you ask? Left wing media has force fed this narrative down their throat so much that they've been brainwashed to believe it's true, and that the democrats are the one who can save them. A coon sees passed this bull shit, and is crucified for wanting to work hard and refusing to maintain a mindstate of justified racism and victimhood ... The other blacks are so confused, and uneducated, that they continue to vote for the democratic party (the party that founded the KKK) and will do anything to slander the Republican party (party that got rid of slavery).

So very simply, a coon is someone who has risen beyond the bullshit wool that the democratic party has pulled over so many black people's eyes and brains. The brainwashed blacks call him a coon because they think he is a traitor, and still wants to slave away to the white man. When in reality they're the ones who's minds are still enslaved.
What a coon, I can't believe he could be against Black Lives Matter
by Above The B.S. September 14, 2017
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offensive name for native Australian aboriginals, generally used to offend aboriginals in the slums of more rural parts of Australia. the word derives from the word 'raccoon' when it was used in north america to offend African Americans. Unlike african americans, most aboriginals have not yet risen from racial hatred and are still living in largely populated slums. some of the aboriginals in slums are equally as resentful of whites as whites are of them, and violence isn't uncommon.

synonyms: aboriginal, abo, nigger, golliewog, gollie
father: "i can smell that coon from here!"
son: "i dont think it is fair for them to be rejected by society the way that they are"
father: "just stay away from them son, they don't like us whites."
by PJemus April 4, 2014
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A term used by white people to describe the less evolved homosapian commonly known as black people

Usually with a large head and thick skull, big lips that are usually dry and scaly like a mammoth.

Lives on a mixture of watermelon, fried chicken, rice and Kool aid

Most claim to be of Jamaica descent because they believe it to be 'cool' the reality is they are of African decent and most probably the bi product of slavery
Coon - "yo man, I ain't doing no work man. Why you mek me do sutin for me money man "

Respectable white man - " that's life young man. Stop being a niglet and earn some money for offspring you waste of space "

Coon - (sucks his gums) " you wasteman blood, me too gangster to earn some money "

Respectable white man -"oh just Fuck off you coon, piss me off you lot do. Lazy bastards"
by annoying_cunt October 27, 2014
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A mentally handicapped ape that steals bicycles.
Honkey: That coon just stole my bicycle!

Coon: Oogalie boogalie!
by BigotedGreyAlien May 16, 2016
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Someone is a coon when you don't like them or they are annoying
by Alemark January 4, 2017
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An emo/gothic girl or guy that wears way to much makeup and looks like a ratcoon.
Man did u see that coon.
Yeah they're so ugly.
by whitedude911 April 28, 2008
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