Having a guy lick a girl's asshole while fingering her at the same time. Similar to a rusty trombone, but for a chick.
So Cindy gave me a rusty trombone last night and it was so good I felt like I had to return the favor and I gave her a stinky DJ.
by stinkydj March 19, 2010
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On March 4th when you see index call him stinky for apparently no reason
national index is stinky day
Player: Hey index
Index: What?
Player: you stinky
Index: :(
by mate507 October 23, 2023
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A kink, is a sexual fetish, however, a stinky kink is a whole different thing. A stinky kink is still a fetish, but only fetishes that have to do with disgusting stuff (fart, poop, eating the dried poop out of ones pubes).
I heard Becky had a boyfriend with Stinky Kinks

Brenda is stinky kinky.
by poopyscentedvaginacandle September 1, 2021
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Did you see the stinky liberal make a fool of themselves on FOX news today
by Mattyfucks December 20, 2020
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A stinky jailer is a person who doesn't use soap in jail, cause he is scared of dropping it.
by Ebony Whitewod July 28, 2011
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Sameer khan is the definition for this word❤️
Huda: i saw sameer the other day
Kamil: ughhhh what a stinky khan
by Hudaaa.ismail November 29, 2021
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