A Frank Dickerson is the heinous act that , when a man, is classified by taking it up the fanny hole by your gay, 80yrold boss,againnnnnnnn!!!! Or,

For a woman, being forced to lick chopps by another woman. Usually a gym teacher.
Babe, you smell of expensive cologne, which I know your too cheap and ugly too wear on your own. Must be your 80yrold bosses again pulled a Frank Dickerson on you! Or,

Babe, your gym teacher must have buggard you again,and pulled a Frank Dickerson on you seem very down,
by Sammy I am nigz December 14, 2018
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While banging doggy style take a chicken wing (preferably the drumstick kind) and ram it in their asshole
It was getting a little boring, so I decided to spice it up by giving her a Frank's Red Hole.
by TurdsAreNature'sCrayons December 27, 2021
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if someone gives unnecessary comments that you didn’t ask for you can deal with it with sarcasm:) and humor!
lif someone was like ewww! that person stinks you could say “thank you for your city your frank
by Sarah._.26353 March 17, 2023
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It’s a Frank iero bee cult on TikTok just put his picture in a bee costume as your profile pic
Emo1: Have you joined the Frank bee cult yet?
Emo2: Yes my prof pic is Frankie in a bee costume during quarantine
by Frankie🤓🤓🤓 May 21, 2020
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When you take components from a cigarette butt (filter and the dry burnt tabacco) to make a new (more unhealthy) rolled cigar

It is called Frank from frankentein's monster

Because you graft many cigarettes into a new one
I didn't have filters or tabacco yesterday so I made myself a Rolled Frank Cigarret
by Oldweirdwizarddude July 19, 2023
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