The absolute grooviest a person or a thing can be.
This band is groovy squared.
by Groovy Girl Squared January 28, 2012
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literally hell. a place where both time and space do not exist. if you thought Florida driving was bad, just come see this. located in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Person A: Hey, dude, I got flipped off while driving.
Person B: Kelly Square?
Person A: Yeah.
by noteventhatfunny May 31, 2019
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Drinking booze after smoking
Originated from drinking a budlight after smoking bud
Bud x Booze = B squared
Hey is chad B squared?
Yea bro he shotgunned like 4 beers after we smoked and he’s fuckeddd up.
by sivvy23 July 27, 2020
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Square root of 2(√2): hi 1/7
1/7: hi √2
√2: lets invite pi and e!
1/7: ok??
(pi,e,and √2 secretly planns to kill 1/7)
pi,e: hi there :)
pi: im 3.141592653...
e: im 2.718281828...
√2: im 1.414213562...
We never repeat!
1/7: im a repeated 857142...
Pi: just killing you thats alll
√2: kills 1/7
e: Bye have a great time
by ppgpp110 July 9, 2021
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When a person has sexual intercourse with someone with the same name as them.
“My names morgan
“Wow my names morgan too we should have sex then it would be morgan squared
“Okay let’s partake in the art of squaring
by MCmorgan69 November 23, 2021
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multiplying a number by itself
In math, the squared symbol (²) is an arithmetic operator that signifies multiplying a number by itself. The “square” of a number is the product of the number and itself. Multiplying a number by itself is called “squaring” the number.
by bluestinger66 November 21, 2022
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when four people suck eachothers dicks in a chain forming a square
me and the boys had an erotic squaring session while camping
by Tyler miatke July 10, 2021
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