Sometimes annoying but that's bc they love the attention. They will be the best comfort you could ever have. But they can't learn how to mind theirs
by Jalop2p1 October 18, 2019
The two best friends ever. They're perfect together and have been together almost all their life. They are both beautiful, and argue over who's more perfect, and neither of them want to admit they're beautiful. Morgan has the eyes. And Renee has the wardrobe. Morgan is constantly going through Renee's clothes. They both love to eat. They'll go to college together even though one is younger than the other. Eventually they'll have kids. Renee will be a great aunt to Morgans kids, and Morgan will be a great aunt to Renee's. They'll be together forever. And even though they're young, about teenagers, one of them has already found their love. Those two will stay together. Even though high school is coming. Morgan and Renée are sisters, and will be forever.
"Hey look there's Renee and Morgan, together AS ALWAYS!"
by Maglatron March 10, 2014
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Morgan McMillan is a odd young lady she is quit weird she only dates "black gangsters" and she thinks she’s cool but really just another fool.
Zion “Morgan McMillan thinks she’s cool cause she likes black gangsters but she’s really stupid.”

Pedro “Yeah I don’t know what her problem is.”
by Big directory May 6, 2019
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Morgan-Leigh is the definition of perfect she is amazing at everything she does and isn’t afraid to voice her opinion even though she may be scary at times and if you ever win her heart she won’t let you forget how much you mean to her on the daily 🥰
Morgan-Leigh is scary but perfect 😍 If you find a Morgan-Leigh never let her go
by E_bbuchan January 8, 2021
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A Spanish Lacrosse Jock that pimps on the side
Oh my god that guy is totally a Tyler Morgan
by Short Guiedo September 28, 2019
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A very amazing person that has an iPad.(:
Morgan Barner is here! OMG!!!!!!!
by Good girl#3 September 29, 2011
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