A code for "jerking off" by british spies during the 1940s.

Semen is a very effective invisible ink. Like other invisible inks, semen is undetectable when it dries out, but it has one big advantage over its competitors it doesn't react to iodine vapor. Since iodine vapor was the main detection method for invisible ink during the war, writing code in semen meant that even if a message was intercepted, its secrets most likely wouldn't be revealed.

This technique was actually used in the field, where only one flaw was found: its distinctive smell. While fresh "ink" apparently didn't give off too malodorous a scent, one spy in Copenhagen stored his jam in jars, causing his letters to "stink to high heaven," and was told that a "fresh operation" was necessary for each communique.
Spy 1: We need to send a secret message to our allies

Spy 2: ..but we're all out of iodine

Spy 1: Just do a fresh operation
by Inzo65115651 April 24, 2014
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A phrase used to describe anyone or anything that brings a major inconvenience to oneself.
Our class requires another 5-page essay. It's the seventh one in the past two weeks.
Ah yes, fresh hell awaits me!
by Sublinial November 5, 2023
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the ultimate down wit it phrase. the coolness just flows from your fingers, the respect is apparent, and your friends are the hippest, and most funky. the sliest the coolest radiates as you chill with your hommies doing what you do best.
hey b where you at man....oh yo g we b cold fresh chillin over at the crib, club etc.
by funky daddy October 14, 2011
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when you buy a fresh nug of weed and it is still in perfect condition.
bob: "dude this bowl is running low"
steve: "yea i think im gunna have to break into a fresh loaf"
by AYYOWHATUP October 2, 2009
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This is the season that the boys can have the best kind of fit.
Dude I can't wait for Fresh Boy Fall. I really want to wear this really nice clothing.
by jaaahh June 18, 2021
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