Extremely good looking guy.

Weirdly big eyes.
Good abs.
A classic square.
I went on a date with a real square yesterday.
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Slang term for the act of killing someone and slashing the body, in literature/entertainment
Person 1: Freddy and Jason squared some teenagers last week!
Person 2: that's scary, do you think they'll square us next?
by Sssssssssssa November 11, 2021
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Somebody who is lame Asf and dont participate in any fun activities. They are not down for anything and are boring to hang around
Person 1: Aye foo lets go tag up that wall
Lame person: Im sorry but I dont participate in any illegal activities.However we can do something else that is both legal and fun like studying and doing homework
Person 1: Your such a lame ass square
by chincbleeder February 23, 2021
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Another term for boring or a shape.

'Square' is usually used in a humorous way or to mimic a vally girl when they say this familiar sentence "this is so/ that's so"
That's so square!
Ugh, this class is square
by September 21, 2020
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"Square" isn't just a shape it's also another term for boring or disapproval.
It's often used in a humorous way
This class is so square
Ugh square!
by September 21, 2020
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An individual who has allowed ones occupational environment define ones personality, to the point of behaving as if one is always within the four walls of an office.
That's just how squares are! They take everything serious, can't relax, and don't know how to have fun.
by Burnett801 July 14, 2018
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Mainly used in the UK, a square is a bank card. The term is mostly used by fraudsters.
"Send in squares, instant drops"

"This guy blocked my square ffs"
by fxbienn February 16, 2018
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