a device originally designed to help those with ADHD. unfortunately it has become the cancerous symbol of 12 year old boys
Person 1: Omg look at that little kid! He's playing minecraft!
Person 2: Dude, it's not cool to make fun of kids
Person 1: Hold up. He's got a fidget spinner too!
Person 2: Yea he's fair game
by | amazing grace | July 6, 2017
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A hand toy originally intended for autistic children and people with ADHD. All you have to do is spin it! Comes in many different sizes and variations.
Griffin: "Bruh what the fuck is that thing you're spinning?"
Jack: "It's my FIDGET SPINNER!!!"
by GriffinMascja June 20, 2017
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A fidget spinner with razor blades attached to the sides.
"Hey, what happened to Bjarte?"
"Sad story, he got his dick chopped off while playing with a Nidget Spinner. He's in the hospital right now."
"Oh, that's messed up."
"Yeah, it really is."
by xylanhd May 23, 2017
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Spinner Mason--born Gavin Mason--is the sex machine of the Canadian TV show Degrassi. He has probably had sex with every girl on the show. He is portrayed by the ever-so-sexy Shane Kippel. He is remembered for having a boner in class, getting testical cancer, helping the paralysis of his best friend, and just being a kick ass character. Needless to say, he is the best.
Spinner Mason looked so hot on the last episode of Degrassi. He makes the show way less lame.
by Emzayyy October 31, 2009
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One who is unable to carry a bag without spinning it like a tard. Typically has little or no regard to those around him or for human life in general.
Marc spilled the leftovers and Yoohoo all over the 1994 Prelude and stabbed the homeless man in the eye because he is a bag spinner.
by Sééég. January 12, 2010
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hitting a bong full of tobacco, equivalent to one or two cigarettes.
done by desperate chavs who have no marijuana.
'yeh mate, i had no gwan last night so i had a baccy s(ch)pinner...mate'
by Manav August 1, 2005
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