1: Code for a woman bending over
2: A tattoo just above the ass.
1: "Check out that waitress over there, she's giving us the Minneapolis skyline"
2: "Check out that waitress over there, I think she has a Minneapolis skyline"
by DoctorBonkus August 4, 2013
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The resulting view of when a woman bends over and her panties are slightly revealed.
Jeb: "Hey, did you see it when Jenny bent over to tie her shoe?"
Mark: "Yeah, man. That Minneapolis Skyline was bomb."
by radical love August 4, 2013
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"H-R30 Ping Monster"

Well known 80's Skyline, produced in poo brown/grey with menstrual red interior; came factory standard with menstrual red interior trimmings.
Nissan sales rep: "Yeah drum brakes all round, pulls up real hard, line up school kids at the crosswalk, then brake 50m prior, hauls 80's arse."
by Donald March 6, 2003
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Simply put, the worst job that any human being can ever take...where you start out making a handful of shit for payment, and smell like fry grease when you go home.
Manager: Yeah we need you to come in and work all day Saturday and Sunday since we lost some guy who just quit...

Me: I hate this place because I smell bad and make no money.
by dfried8 May 14, 2005
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nissans worst skyline due in part to excessive weight and shit to mod motor. Mainly driven by old cunts aiming to look cool and to pick up girls under the age of 9 at the day care centre gates.
fuck bro, that r33 cant drift for shit bro
by Cwalk March 6, 2003
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fuckin shit box magna with a turbo and a bov sick cunt
by Anonymous March 6, 2003
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yet another 80's family sedan. Engine just as boring as any other straight six, suspension run of the mill same as all others, styling can look good.
Yet has the magical potential to make boys spank their doodles all over it. Just like commodores do to their crowds of lovers, and just as falcons do to their own crowds. Yet all 3 groups think the others are shit.
My r31 is da bomb diggity. Its fulleh sik yulleh, its got huuuge turbos ey mate, got cooooler, its sik ey, piss on your shit commo.
by pentamax January 18, 2005
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