(Noun) When your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend or tinder date asserts their dominance by performing a prostate digital examination with a finger lubricated not with standard lubricant but Wasabi paste. Often contextualised in an act of sexual dominance.
"Hey man how's things with that girl going?"
'Yeah look it's getting pretty serious'
"How so?"
'Last night I got a wasabi prostate exam'
by JKeyes8989 January 26, 2022
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When one magnet is placed inside of the male phallus between 2-3 inches inward and another magNet is placed gently within the prostate. The magnets attract each other and squeeze the prostate, creating an orgasm so intense it renders you invalid for weeks
Boris loves to go downtown and receive PPS // Polarized Prostate Stimulation from 5th and Church.
by Skrettttttt November 11, 2018
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Jimmy: Dude, I have a prostate snake, HALP.
Beth: Use more lube.
by Prostate Snake April 22, 2015
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When a man shits a log so wide that it presses up against his prostate, evoking a sense of euphoria and potential light-headedness as it passes.
Brian had been so backed up for the past few days that he was afraid taking a shit would hurt, but to his surprise just the opposite happened, his shit that day turned out to be a prostate pleaser.
by 1337-F337-100P June 20, 2018
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Any Medical Science professor that teaches the material given in the class in the utmost gruesome and disturbing way possible.
"Man, Reginald is such a Professor Prostate! Can he not make something disturbing?"
by McSand_boi May 11, 2023
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When two men share the same doctor. Doctor has performed a prostate exam on both men. Similar to Eskimo Brothers.
Hey! I just came back from the doctor. We're now prostate brothers.
by 92Merc April 13, 2019
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