Like the two virtually synonymous words, Nerd and Geek, this word is used to describe a person with a higher intelligence who enjoys the sci-fi and fantasy genres. Unlike those words, dweeb appears to have a negative connotation, stemming from the word dick-weed. Although the definitions of Nerd and Geek tend to point at each other as being undesirable, this mostly stems from personal preference, and only a few people, such as LeoParade from 2009, fit under the said definition and prefer to be called a dweeb.
You're a dweeb!
Noooooooo! I'm a nerd.
by udontknowmeidontknowu February 26, 2021
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Someone who is lame, dumb, a loser, or an outcast.
"Hey, he's wearing a Dora T-shirt"
"Wow, what a dweeb."
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god that guy is such a dweeb (Christian jaiden gregory)
by joeyodieland April 11, 2023
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Shawn is acting like a dweeb again.
by Jjjm December 3, 2019
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sarah: omg, your such a dweeb
cyrus: yeahhh i know
by itsjam06 March 14, 2019
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Mild form of a dork , aka a nerd that dont get any hoes . A male that dont know how to get laid . Usually lacks common sense and is socially awkward and dont know how to act in a social gathering .
That dude is straight up dweeb with no game.
by Spra3k June 29, 2023
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A dorky weeb. Someone who is a weeb and a dork.
by That Bronx Dweeb January 20, 2022
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