Someone who grows up on a farm in the Southeast region of the United States. There are cowboys in Texas, and dirt boys in Tennessee. Commonly associated with singer-songwriter, Drew Green. (also see: “skew”)
Did you see the way that dirt boy had the mud flying driving down the back roads?

Did you hear that dirt boy married the girl of his dreams who grew up three miles down the road?
by SkewSquad October 28, 2021
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The action of or person who prefers anal sex with a woman before she wipes her ass after taking a shit.
"Tommy went home with that girl last night, but didn't get any because he went for the Dirt Goblin."

"I got home at 5' in the morn, she smelt my dick...and found out I'm a Dirt Goblin"
by DirtyGoblin September 11, 2013
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Basically, the dumbest of the dumbest. Dumb as dirt.
Loyd is dirt dumb. He dropped his toilet paper roll in the toilet and put it in the microwave to dry it and burned the entire goddamn trailer park down. Dirt dumb.
by pdxjohnny99 December 17, 2015
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Diarrhea, same as blast mud, though typically a bit more dry.
Jimmy: Gru, that Thai food is hitting me - I gotta use your crapper.

Gru: Man, iff you gotta squirt dirt, use the downstair bathroom - more tp than in the upstairs shitter.
by the comand'r October 11, 2016
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Money made from the sale of dirt cookies in Haiti.
Ex: Sam Blake Anderson wishes he could leave Ernest W. Seaholm and go to Haiti and make some dirt money.
by mr.scotty911 May 28, 2008
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When the Vagina is completely closed with both cheeks tightly pressed together due to lack of penetration.
Hey, I bet post-breakdown Miley Cyrus is a ball in dirt
by Jilly Juices January 6, 2014
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Dirt dogs are good looking, successful, ambitious bros that trick women to think they have a monogamous relationship. But in all actuality, they have relations with multiple women. This is deception, a dirt dog is only after sex. He lets multiple women feel like they are in a relationship, but in all actuality, a dirt dog has built a house of cards to many women that think they are in a relationship. While the woman thinks she is in a relationship, the dirt dog lays pipe in multiple women while under the guise of monogamy. Dirt dogs live on the edge. They prefer multiple women and love to always be on the brink of getting caught.

A true dirt dog loses track of their lies and it usually gets them caught, but in true dirt dog form, they manage to lie their way out of trouble.
Bro 1: Look at Bill, he is such a dirt dog!

Bro 2: Holy Shit, he is always with a new girl!

Bro 1: That's an excellent strategy, sir!
by Ed Douchington, Esq. August 20, 2017
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