Not at all common makes you think before you do again not common
by Common shit May 28, 2019
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A necessity to human survival. The only thing preventing us from dying, excluding radiation, gravity, air, food, and water.
7% of EARTH’s population has and uses this.
It’s common sense that you don’t know common sense.
by Some1Two September 27, 2019
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Literally the trait that is hardest to find in out modern world. So rare it may be a super power.
"wait, my common sense is tingling..." - Deadpool
by A_Person06 May 22, 2019
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A misplaced arrogance that you can handle any crisis, just because you're good at building dikes.

Translates to "Hollandse nuchterheid."
"Good thing we Dutch have the Dutch common sense, or else we'd have to learn from other countries' experiences!"
by Morty297 October 14, 2020
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Thinking you can handle any crisis, just because you're good at building dikes.

Translates to "Hollandse nuchterheid."
"Jan, don't worry, just use your Dutch common sense instead of a face-mask."
by Morty297 October 14, 2020
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A friend who tries to explain to you the strange behavior of the male species especially those particular male species that you have been flirting with and have a crush on. They are very sensible which is annoying and calming at the same time because lets face it-over-thinking stuff is tiresome.
Girlfriend-Queen of common sense.
by Esth December 26, 2011
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This is what adults use when they think they are supposedly smart.

I'm giving a word an extra prefix because why the fuck not? It'll make me sound smarter.
"I hate teens who use teen common sense, unlike normal common sense."
by Coalizee September 18, 2019
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