Fig. very happy.
When I got my promotion, I was on cloud nine. When the check came, I was on cloud nine for days.
by Dcvr December 4, 2013
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The shape and color of an elderly persons hair closely resembling a cloud.
The old (codger) cut off the top of his hat so that he could free up and proudly display his cloud hair.
by Thirston Howell January 10, 2015
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The helpless feeling one has when they wake up in the morning and realize they had no control over their drunken actions the night before, which may last for days. Is a mixture of anxiety, concerning the unspeakable things one may have done; and self-loathing, due to one's lack of ability to exercise discipline. The old adage, "time heals all" applies - except in the case of legal trouble or sexually transmitted disease.
Me: Dude I can't believe I blacked out and called that perfectly nice girl a whore for no shame cloud has been going strong all week

Nick: shame cloud is still following me after I pissed in the corner of your living room last week
by SorryBoutIt November 14, 2012
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Utilizing the resonance of water molecules in clouds when disturbed by wireless signals to transmit data around the globe from cloud to cloud.
I use cloud computing so I don't have to worry about viruses, I only have to worry about birds flying through my cloud.
by xelanil March 6, 2011
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verb: to poop and or defacate into a newly washed and clean smelling pillow case. The unsuspecting victim will spend hours upon the pillow before the smell becomes overwhelming.

"its time to win"
Rhonda is pumped on having her pillow cleaned after her sexual intercourse with her cousin Demetri. The day after her cousin Demetri decides he will get her back for her lacking actions in bed by giving Rhonda a brown cloud. She spends the next full night with her face down in the brown cloud.
by thegurtmeister2 April 26, 2010
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The condition of being slow witted or mentally fatigued, often brought about by sleep deprivation, partying, overworking or over studying, excessive use of television, video games or computer time; cognitive atrophy. It will feel like there is a cloud where your brain should be making it hard to think, concentrate, solve problems, or keep up with conversations.
I feel out of it today man, I have a serious head cloud right now.
by withinthecube December 27, 2012
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