If someone says this to you just accept your fate as this insult automatically destroys the person who it is targeted at
A: Your mums sucks dick
B: Your mum is gay
A: *cries*
by hentai is weeb shit September 19, 2017
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what one might say if they disapprove of the quality/content of whatever it is that is in question
friend1: check out my new wheels niqqa
friend2: your shit is gay
by jesse reedy August 17, 2004
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A classic comeback to halt someone you don't want or care to hear.
Person you don't care to hear: so i was at school today and I wa-
You: shut up your mom's gay
Person you don't care to hear: ...(silence)
by andbow03 February 21, 2018
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This is so bad u will be sent to hell if u say it
John: your dad is a fag
Bill:your mom is gay
Then a hole caves in and sends them to hell
by Borough699 March 31, 2018
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the worst insult you can say to someone

like it will completely destroy someones will to live so be careful
i told him your moms gay lol and he killed himself
by shrek=drek February 15, 2018
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when your mom so fat she loves bacteria
your mum gay with bacteria is when your mom loves bacteria

- Ur mom gay

- whaaaaat! your mum gay with bacteria
- shiiiiiiiit man
by xcvbnm,lkuhgf February 18, 2019
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