An Ozzy Osbourne is not only Sharon's husband, but is another way of saying "virginity". As "virginity" is a very direct word, Ozzy Osbourne is a more discrete way of talking about your virginity.
Zoe: I've still got my Ozzy Osbourne, I'm waiting for the one

Beth: Wow, that's a very respectable decision for you to make, Zo
by bethdest September 17, 2017
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Those cheating australian wankers, who are shite at rugby.
by Not a cheating australian November 22, 2003
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prince of darkness whose brain has been turned into a warm slurpie from years of drug abuse
"eerrrr SHARON!!!! errrr jack err how do you work t-t-t-t-he remote - SHARON!!!!! err err eeh eh"
by bitchesANDgravy October 28, 2004
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The man who helped birth heavy metal, reshaped the musical landscape of the world, but was too drugged up to notice.

He didn't so much do drugs as majored in them, and got tenure.

And before you click on thumbs down I love the Ozzman and would totally give him my kidneys (he'll probably be needing those soon with everything he's put in his system).
"I've been fakking doing what for the past 40 years? Fakking sweet."
-Ozzy Osbourne
by Sam is a Dick March 26, 2007
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To accidentally st-st-st-stutter whilst talking to someone. Only applies to those who do not have a stutter.
1> No, hey, du-du-du-dude..
2> Haha you pulled an Ozzy!
by MoonKnight March 14, 2003
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Vlad Ozzy aka Mr Tinkertrain: Perverted guy who likes teh small girls AND he is Drcaula the one and only. He is also the son of Satan.
" Omfg Ozzy did one again"
by Creampuff February 17, 2004
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