An indian group in the Tribe of the Sugars. A twin group to the group Sha-Gal-Ow. Sha-Gal-Ow means Gallons of Sugar. The Black Sha-Gal-Ows groups animal was a wolf. The leader and only surviver of the Black Sha-Gal-Ows, and the Tribe of the Sugars is sacred and onley to be knon by a select of people. Sugarray is said to change in to a wolf-human under a full blue moon around the groups site. The only way to be accpted in the Black Sha-Gal-Ows is to eaither be born in the group and to prove worthyness of secret tasks at age 13,or to be a Black Sha-Gal for 5 years and to prove wortheyness. To be a Black Sha-Gal you must be elected by the leder of the Black Sha-Gal-Ows and everbody in the group must accept them,after they must go threw a cearamony with all the Black Sha-Gal-Ows. All other info is privite.
One groupe in the Tribe of the Sugars is the Black Sha-Gal-Ow.
by Sugarrays123 July 24, 2009
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When two people are in conversation and they say the same thing at the same person says you owe me a beer!!
Sara:Did you see that?
Kristin: What?
Sara:That man looked like he had a turd on his pants
Kristin and Sara: Thats hot!
Sara:You owe me a beer!!
by babycakes418 November 23, 2007
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It's an English phrase to be used when you want the other person to know that they owe you something after you did something for them, usually either in the form of respect, or a favour.
Josh : Hey man thanks for saving my ass that day.

John : You owe me one for that bruv.
by MetalArachnoid1331 October 28, 2022
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Used as code when you think a girl has brown nipples.
by Austin Vaught November 3, 2010
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a phrase refering to a girl being so hot that you blew your load just looking at her.
damn that girl looks so right she owes me a new pair of pants.
by george January 21, 2005
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Leading somebody on with the promise of a 69 and then ditching them. Sucker.
He was totally digging me but i pulled a "68 and i owe you one"
by Emberlix February 20, 2005
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