One of the prettiest and most perfect girls on youtube. Lia is a singer, actress and plays the guitar and she is very talented at all 3. She has a gorgeous smile that lights up the world. Her birthday is November 23 1996 and she lives in San Diego. Her own channel has over 200,000 subscribers and she also appears on a few other shows like My Music and Teens React.
Billy: I love Lia Marie Johnson more than anything in the world.
Morgan: Creeeeeper!!
by BiggestLiaFanAUS October 17, 2012
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The fantastic writer of dreamy books that take place in California and New York. They contain Mabs, homosexual love, punk pixies. She wrote the Weetzie Bat and I was a Teenage Fairy.
I can't get enough Block books.
by Pink Ginger May 3, 2005
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A low measure of care, an insignificant amount of attention that one could give to a person or situation.
Shut up, bitch! I don't give a Lia-licked Dorito about what you have to say!
by stop-its-ginger-time December 15, 2010
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pervert1:dude I'd fuckin bang Lia Marie Johnson.
pervert2: Me to. Those tits
by nail yakupov December 30, 2014
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Your favorite dinosaur friend who is always there for you! She always makes you feel better when your sad and always smiles! It's also a cute nickname for her!
by DinoNation November 10, 2016
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hottest girl on earth!
shes a little short, but perfect body,

gets all the guys,
amazing kisser,
her eyes sparkle like the midnight stars,
a great fashion sense, and is hilarious!
although, beware, she can get really fiesty ;)
dude1: wow, bro, did you just see that annie lia?! shes hot as!
dude2: bro, shes mine, we were just hooking up in my ute!
by aasdfghhhjkl :D October 14, 2011
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