Jesse is a fat pig who always cheats in video games, he is funny but he also is very annoying he thinks he's cool but actually he's dumb and the only video games he ever wants to play are super hero ones and since he dosen't have his own device he always expects family members to share theirs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesse has NO butt
by Hfgtwhrkd August 25, 2017
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A male who is unlike anyone. he is gay and dislikes women. Jesse is known as a dike by everyone, however he thinks he is cool and makes fun of others. he cries when called a name. Jesse is the type of guy to hide his homosexuality from everyone.
Did you know that Jesse cried like a little bitch when he was called Gay by Robert
by Fwancis September 21, 2018
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A good looking and outgoing pimp that everyone knows and get alone with well. Jesse knows everything that happen or what's going to happen. Also Jesse could be the guy of your dreams.
Ask Jesse what going to happen next !
by Jesse Copeland February 18, 2016
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A gamer who loves to watch porn and a good friend and has a big appetite and loves cats and loves to buy Jordans and has a gf for about two days
Damn Jesse
by Hornyguy2542 October 23, 2017
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"What happened to our new hammock?"
"She pulled a Jesse!"
by Tiffanni April 20, 2008
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Son of a fishing god, who is in the process of dethroning said god!!!!
Jesse can outfish anyone on any lake anytime!!!
by son of a fishing god February 3, 2010
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Whore- Shupt up you asshole.
by Horny Masturbating Chick April 29, 2017
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