to leave an area or place while referring to the place as the "break room"
We were all at the mall, when he said "Hey guys, wanna get the fuck out of the break room?"
by Lemonius October 18, 2010
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Another Glasgow term (It probably goes further) that basically means 'Go Away' but in the usual sledgehammer terminology that only glaswegians know how to do.
Are you gonny get yirsel tae fuck, yir dae'n mah heid in stoatin that baw aff the grun!
by Tourists Will Thank Me One Day! February 15, 2005
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What one yells out loud to ones self and to others in their car in the morning hours between 6:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. when going to play golf on a weekday morning with friends while everyone else on the road is trying to get to work, worried about being late to their job in the heavy stand still traffic in the greater Los Angeles area, because of the greater than average number of people who moves to Los Angeles because the weather is so great and can't afford to take a day off due to high real estate prices. You and your friends on the other hand could care less about the traffic because you are on your way to play golf and want everyone else to burn in it by exclaiming this.
"Hey So in SO I just got a new $500.00 driver and a new set of irons, and Oh check out that poor bastard cursing the traffic on the 405 south who probably has another 30 miles to drive before he gets to his job," Oh well, "Welcome to LA now get the fuck to work!" HA ha ha ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
by Scollar January 16, 2013
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The statement saying you want to get really drunk.
i hope friday i get hydrated as fuck
Dude.. lets get hydrated as fuck
by Paul K January 25, 2007
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exclamation. usually used in lieu of terms you may hear and/or use on a farm or hear from a hillbilly, a blathering fool, or an employee at the DMV, such as "as crazy as all hell" or "my goodness, this silliness has taken control of his(or her) senses" or "this line is crazy long".
That is as dangerous as all get up and fuck. (or) Those two guys chasing the sheep towards the cliff are crazy as all get up and fuck.
by MillsFokk July 28, 2009
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