It's describes the excitement about something
Dude this girl has good boobs. Bonkers
by TheOGofPoland July 26, 2019
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Slang for the word head. Typically used by middleschoolers. I definitely didn’t write this to win something.
by BonkersBoy42069 September 13, 2020
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To be in a state of mind where you are going mad crazy and are truly happy due to partying wildy. Commonly used to describe teenagers who party often.
«I was totally bonkers last night»

«Those girls are bonkers, man»

«I also want to become bonkers»
by Dizzy E T November 12, 2019
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a term for “that’s absolutely bonkers luv” talking about how it’s amazing, showstopping, incredible and brilliant. also can be used in a way for calling a luv crazy and not okay ( mentality ill )
wowie angelina izzy vanessa and olli are absolutely bonkers
by bonkersxfcweot January 12, 2020
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A word that has no real meaning. You can use it when you have to say something but you don't know what to say.
: hey, i like you!
: omg you're bonkers!
by unicolen_n March 7, 2022
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An item so inexpensive that it defies belief. Usually used in amazement.
Those all-you-can-eat wings were bonkers cheap. But not necessarily bonkers good.
by WerdOfTheDay May 19, 2016
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