Benjamin or Ben is the most gayest kid you will ever meet. He will do anything for money. He would 100 percent of the time send dick pics for 10 bucks. Bens most likely play football and thinks he can play basketball, but honestly try at everything.
Children do not ever become a Benjamin when you grow up
by Buffalo titty fucker November 6, 2019
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Benjamin is a Gay boy who likes to suck pp and take it from behinde
by swedishman69420 October 14, 2020
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Someone who constantly has to pee, but refuses admit it.
Look at the kid dancing and grabbing his crotch!
His name is Benjamin.
by Sir Salty November 10, 2019
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A term used for Gay/faggy/homosexual people. Very derogative.
Dude, that guy is really Benjamin
by BALDSLADKJH March 3, 2010
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a lovely guy when you first meet- however, do not be fooled! he is ruled solely through his penis and will leave you constantly paranoid by hiding his relationship with other girls.

a lying, deceitful coward who will stand by while your heart breaks- and simply flick a switch and move on, leaving you broken.
Girl 1: this benjamin sure is a nice guy.. i think i'll go for it.
Girl 2: see that girl over there crying? yeah, he fucked her over last week. i wouldn't.
by LittleOne2011 December 4, 2011
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Eats shit like a champion and gets in bed with a lot of men and woman. Likes handcrafted dildos and masturbating to hot men blowing each other. Is super hot and is a magnet for sluts.
Look at that Benjamin fap!
Those hookers are fair game to be Benjamin'ed.
by dfjksdkjb December 27, 2012
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Benjamin is a discord catfisher that claims that he has a big peen. We cannot confirm if this is true or false, but we know for a fact that his hairline will always be on fleek. Benjamins usually do not like Majeds, because of their annoying behaviour and obnoxious voice. Benjamin has a tendency to expose his body to those who pay him. If you can't find your dog, it's most likely Benjamin who ate it.
damn, i got Benjamined on discord again
by alpacafries December 4, 2018
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