When someone receives a blowjob and is unable to see straight afterward.
"She sucked my dick and after I came I fell asleep. I was tapped and zapped."
by dreadvimfantail August 1, 2022
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Too be so high off weed it feels like you’re off a xan
Dam bro I’m too high I’m off a zap
by K8ch July 16, 2021
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The small amount of radiation that breifly shocks the male genitals when a text is received and the victims phone is in his pants pocket.
I always get that uncomfortable feeling of a suspicion that my sperm count goes down a notch every time I feel my phone virbate in my pocket, damn sack zaps
by superjeenyus January 26, 2010
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A female with a hurt face, or a female that is dizzy in the head.
Look at that zap. Wow she’s zapped. She’s a zap.
by Edison Richards May 15, 2020
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Cancelling plans at the last minute because you found a better alternative.
Sophia went all social Zapping on me! She cancelled on me at the last minute and then i saw her with a guy in a restaurant.
by Kostas99 July 29, 2023
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