Okay, hear me out, most of dem rell dotish but some could be really sweet. Yeah they go be staring at naps and pres man but dats jus cause dey doh socialize so dey keep dreamin' cause dey too afraid of rejection n doh know how fine or cute dey are.
Naps Girls talking:

Girl1: Woah! I know that dude! I've meet(/seen) him before!

Girl2: Dat naps man over so?

Girl1: Yeah!

Girl2: Well go talk to him nah

Girl1: No.

Girl2: Why?

Girl1: Cause.. he wouldn't want some sweaty, crusty girl talking to him!

Girl2: Ight, suite yuhself.
by videsh ramsuck deepz nuts January 25, 2023
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When you wake up from a nap very satisfied, relaxed, and energized; requires the nap to be at least 2-3 hours.
Bruh my nap just hit, Ima go donate to the Nap Hit Foundation
by BigDexter November 19, 2017
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A super sexually attractive man that prefers to especially eat a man's thigh.
"Don't go running outside at night. Nap Brando might walk in on you."
by Mike Goose November 12, 2020
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A nap in a swamp where ducks chill
Adrian: man I accidentally took a quack nap

Cassandra: oh mate you have bread in ya hair
by Zoe Biancofiore September 30, 2019
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A term first coined by Anna DOLHANCRYK to describe a siesta lasting no longer than 3.25 hours.
She needed a second wind to attend the event tonight, so she took a nippity nap.
by Anna Dolhancryk September 25, 2023
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waking up from a nap so zooted and fuzzy that all you can do is eat a fuck ton food. the nap munchies often include weird pairings of foods.
dude I woke up and had the nap munchies so bad I didn’t stop eating for an hour and a half
by roseybooty July 21, 2020
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