Another word for a small dick. However it can only be used if in context of gay relationships to specifically disguise you trying to getting your little willy wet.
Oi bruv I know we r friends but us chavs we are real closer than that, I’m 14 your 12 but I think you need to do my Jack Jordan so we can move on.
by GoodGuysAsnicker January 11, 2020
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Military slang.
Standing around talking. Genernal "shooting the shit", scuttlebutt, or gossisp.
A sergent saw his platoon jaw jacking and not doing their duties.
by Isato October 14, 2021
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Masturbation or getting jacked off whereby the penis is stroked vigorously up and down with one hand and the glans (the penile head) is simultaneously pounded with the veracity of a jack hammer with the other.
Coach Torrance took me to the showers last night and I got hammer jacked. The pain and pleasure was to much and I nutted up my jock strap.
by Dick Onchin May 12, 2020
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Getting figuratively raped, Or having gotten as such. To be beaten figuratively or literally in such a way, that you feel like someone jacked off onto your soul.
As in:

The boys Varsity lacrosse team just got beaten by 7th grade girl's. NASTY JACKED

Can be used as a descriptive, or action word as such:

"Damn man you see that hot chick"


"You should go out with her"

"I already have, we fucked"

"How was it???"

"Turns out shes my 2nd cousin"

by johnny mc awesome July 20, 2009
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To masturbate a guy while his penis is soft until he ejaculates. (This can take a very long time and often means that he doesn't like you very much.)
Kim just kept tugging at my dick. She just kept soft jacking me until I came. That chick sure is ugly but she can soft jack like a pro!
by Sam Giberson September 11, 2007
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1. Very tasty cereal that tastes kind of like apples.

2. A drink that consists of Jack Daniel's and apple juice
1. I had Apple Jacks for breakfast.

2. I went to the bar for an Apple Jacks
by wcgold December 27, 2005
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The lead character and star in the movie Newsies. Played by Christian Bale. The leader of the Manhattan Newsies, as well as the newsboys strike of 1899 (fictionally). His co-leader being David Jacobs, and is aided in selling by Dave's younger brother Les. Sings the song Santa Fe, and in the end coupls with the character of Sarah Jacobs, the sister of the Jacobs brothers (Sarah is often the least favorite character of many newsie fans). His arch enimy, and the man he is constantly running away from is the Warden Snyder.

In the movie Jack lies and says his mother and father had gone to Santa Fe and when they found a place to stay they were going to send for him. The reality of the situation though was that his mother was killed, and his father was in jail. He also lies about his name as well, his real name being Francis Sullivan.
"Santa Fe are you there? Do you swear you won't forget me?"
"Youse guys gotta be Am-bastards!"

Jack Kelly: "Guess I can't be somethin' I ain't."
Dave: "What a scab?"
Jack Kelly: "Naw, smart."
by Antha Thropp August 14, 2006
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