When a bong is in a precarious position and you notice this, then announce it to the squad.
Bong is in a Precarious Position Comrade noticed this
Comrade: "hey guys, (mtb) mind the bong"
Bdiddy and Moisty: "ok mate"
Comrade: "Sound"
Moisty minds the bong (mtb)
by Moisty97 September 30, 2018
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a home made bong made from a tennis ball!
hey man check out my tennis bong!!
by Williamhtx April 21, 2017
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When one is high and thinking of outrageous ideas.
“Bro imagine an adult-size infant” “Damn this dudes wearing the bong helmet.”
by Suffolkcountycunt August 20, 2022
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Basically a person who smokes bongs but much more powerful.
Bro Donald, why are you smoking big bongs get your head out of the clouds.
by Real YT Tartarus April 30, 2021
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-(noun) a place where high class people smoke marijuana.
-(noun) an area designated in a house where an expensive bong resides that gathers people from all over to join in a smoking session
We have to turn this room into a bong palace so that everyone can come over and smoke our 3 foot ROOR.
I got so ripped at the bong palace I thought my life was being narrated by James Earl Jones.
by soulymayne August 9, 2010
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Someone who looks similar to a privileged toe head ass fool.
That boy used a 100$ bill at the Dollar General, Bing Bong Lookin’ Ass.
by PolonColon November 24, 2018
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