Toast-(n.) Possibly the most convenient means of a piece of crunchy bread that tickles the taste buds that only can be explained by leaders of the free world and Morgan Freeman.

2. Add some butter and cinnamon and you got yourself a freaking good piece of awesome.
3. A rambunctious character who runs around causing nothing but stupidity and pure unorganized havoc.
4. Texas toast...a thick slice of pure amazing.
"Look. Morgan Freeman. HE'S GOT TOAST!"
"I'm gonna add some cinnamon to this toast. Oh Lord. Nicely done."
"Dammit Toast! You killed the tomato!"
by Slingshot Toaster Toast January 12, 2011
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When two people fuck a sandwich until one of them cums. Who ever cums last has to eat the sandwich
Want to play toast with me?
by Jeanne Fetsch June 8, 2018
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one of the bestest of friends ive ever had no shes not my friend my fucking wife i love her sm she deserves the world
me:"toast ilysm"
"i hope u love me too <3"
by hutaoswife May 16, 2021
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mike: whats toast
jeremy: yum bred
mike: *tries it* omg yea yum
by jet lol October 20, 2021
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Toast is a form of bread that has been browned by exposure to radiant heat. This browning is the result of a Maillard reaction altering the flavor of the bread and making it firmer so that it is easier to spread toppings on it. Toasting is a common method of making stale bread more palatable. Bread is often toasted using a toaster, but toaster ovens are also used. Though many types of bread can be toasted the most commonly used is "sliced bread", referring to bread that is already sliced and bagged upon purchase and may be white, brown, multigrain, etc.
I love toast, especially with butter
by XamPopPow March 11, 2019
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ex 1) Hey what's up toast?

ex 2) Nothing much, just seeing how many people I can get to call me toast.
by TomatoSlice69 March 2, 2022
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person 1: “He’s so toast, i wanna be toast like him.”

person: “that’s not very toast of you”
by b33ss 7040 August 8, 2022
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