A large scale voter manipulation tactic used in modern Democratic societies when the political situation is highly polarized in terms of broad ideology i.e. left vs right spectrum. It is used by political parties on the left end of the spectrum (primarily in western nations) in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, France etc. Once a sufficient amount of new dedicated voters have been imported (via NGO boats or intentionally unprotected borders), new laws are enacted that prevent or hinder the constituency of the rival political party from engaging in any kind of action or initiatives to stop it or hinder the “Import Voter Strategy” i.e. enacting hate speech laws or other methods that yet have no specific name. The method is particularly effective when combined with intersectional politics.
The staunchly pro-migration leftists in the E.U. and their NGOs are using Import Voter Strategy by importing voters from Africa and the Middle East to dilute native European voting paradigms in order ensure their political ambitions are not hindered by the Democratic process of voting.
by InternationalAnalysis August 20, 2023
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A short dictionary definition of "scofflaw" is "a contemptuous law violator." In practice it is often used to refer to a husband who stops paying his court-ordered alimony or child support. But, the term "scofflaw" can also be applied to US citizens who have the right to vote in elections, but who neglect to do so. In our democracy, voting is the most basic civic duty. Unless blocked by voter suppression, illness, or other understandable reason, voting should never be neglected.
Given all the current frustration with our national government, one primary cause of bad or weak government is the almost 40% of eligible voters, the scofflaw voters, who for whatever reason or rational, choose not to vote .
by PPpdddddddcc February 8, 2020
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An insanely attractive person with an amazing personality and a beautiful soul.
Person 1: Did you see that person? I think I’m in love.

Person 2: Yeah, they’re a Maya Voter 😍
by swaggienoodlez September 21, 2021
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When someone plants the idea that candidates that have no chance of winning, who are not very popular except as potential cult figures are the only legitimate choice to vote for. They really don't take into account the fact that these candidates are often narcissistic and only put in enough effort to spoil and election. The voter inseminaters often play to one's guilt and plant the idea that a person will be going against their better angels if they don't vote for these no chance of winning candidates.

Sadly the most popular presidential candidates have actually won the popular vote but lost the general election and were later considered to be losers because they did not win the electoral college. The cult candidate only getting enough votes to through the election is often considered a villain.

Sadly inseminated voters often slowly watch much of what they took for granted dismantled and things get worse - wars, broken economy, their jobs, environmental deterioration, human rights violations, justice system failure, pandemics, racism, homophobia.
In many cases very derisive candidates employ the practice of voter insemination to siphon a popular candidates votes off. Many times the voter inseminaters are able redirect the most extreme activist to volunteer tirelessly for some fringe extreme cult figure who they feel better represents their concept of utopia.

In extremely rare cases voter insemination has a positive benefit if people are inspired to actually vote in an election that they may not have otherwise bothered to do. While their vote of the non-viable candidate may be clearly wasted they may vote in other elections on the ballot for candidates that would not have occurred otherwise and so make a big difference in close elections that have candidates that are more closely aligned with their values.

In some cases voter insemination fails completely and the voter instead becomes overly apathetic and refuses to vote for any candidate because they don't want to participate in a corrupt system. This can have a really negative effect on all levels of government especially when good people don't participate.
by mlhiss March 30, 2020
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When a Trump cultist only has 10 seconds of screen time before they have to go back to sucking farts out of the nearest GOP ass.
“Shit! I’ve only got four seconds to tell this guy to Vote Red…votered
by TrumpsGoldenToilet October 12, 2022
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VoteRed is the best thing that ever happened to the cosmic pvp/ cosmic test galaxy as he was the only one that 1v1ed in Venezuela and drillteam because 3f1n is shit
VoteRed is the carry of drillteam.
by Dogish January 18, 2021
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A political strategy to get voters to lose focus on the most appropriate and potentially successful candidate that is most likely to achieve their political goals. and represent them in a political body. Typically voter digression is used in a general election where the strategy is to get the voter to vote for a candidate that will siphon off votes or create voter apathy. The strategist can throw an election even from a popular candidate by taking a few votes away from the most popular candidate or one which can win a plurality. In a presidential election this is even easier since we don't elect the president directly. So a politician can win the national vote by millions but lose a few states if enough votes are siphoned off and they have less votes than the main opposing candidate, which may have radically different political goals. Sadly if the individual voter digresses to a lessor candidate (that may get less than 1% of the vote) because they want their vote to count, but in the process deny the most popular candidate and the one closest to their values the ability to win, and in the process deny the majority of voters their right to be represented.
While many rightly complain about voter suppression, the loss of an election may be more attributed to voter digression, in the form of voter abstinence or the siphoning off of votes by fringe candidates. Voters often do not realize they are in effect denying those most closely aligned with their political views the right to vote, since voting is a collective process that can only be won by a majority or plurality.
by mlhiss March 14, 2020
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