When someone with a small ass try's twerking
Damn Mami that is some fine tweaking

You cant twerk but you can tweak tho
by Blood THORNE October 24, 2017
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To be very angry

i.e. mad, spazzing, angry
you are tweaking
Quit tweakin you tweaker
by David Fongs March 23, 2005
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an irritation, usually drug related
Man, I shot up heroin and started tweaking on it.
by suicidal.fairies July 4, 2017
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People that love to have sex. Someone whose always horny.
by robbyfhark July 29, 2010
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someone who's bugging out from tina... (crystal meth)
by sfmar May 2, 2005
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To drink obsurd amounts of whiskey, vodka and beer....then throw a entire bottle of hot sauce about a residence room and in a couple peoples eyes, then passout and have a seizure in the middle of the kitchen....decent
Kevin Tweaked and emptied a bottle of hot sauce about the room
by Tweaksauce May 14, 2010
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(Verb) To experience the speedy, lifted, euphoric effects of the drug Adderall or generic Adderall. NOT to be confused with the "half-tweaked" or "zombie" state experienced by those who take it too often (marked by indifference, and a strange respiratory effect in some that produces a "Hkkekkuuhehkk" sound upon trying to sleep).
"Dude, I just wrote five pages in a half hour."
"Man, you're tweaking!"
"This is awesome!!"
"Don't turn into a zombie - you'd piss everyone off and make weird 'Hkk' noises.. like someone we know!"
"Yeah, I love tweaking, not half-tweaking!"
by KingOfOranges June 2, 2013
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