Minge twang is a subtle, yet unmistakable vagina odor. The odor is usually, but not always, unwashed vagina.
The nice part about COVID-19 quarantine is almost never having to shower, or wear pants. The mad thing about COVID-19 quarantine is, my whole apartment probably smells like minge twang.
by butlerj August 14, 2020
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The act of sexual intercourse so good it makes your voice raise an octave.
I was at a party with my friend and he sees this sexy girl and he says.im gonna be "banging the twang"with her later
by B&B INFO CENTER September 4, 2022
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(Noun) An overtly southern person. Someone with a hard southerntwang”.
Well, I’m sure not gonna miss that twang hard!
by Maramac December 28, 2022
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When seeing a sportsman (usually a footballer) feel his groin after a groin strain.....
Nasty, groin strain there. Looks like he's Twanged a nut.
by The tiler January 30, 2019
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He looks awful, I think he got twanged yesterday.
by Sullupinnasnas February 12, 2022
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