Something my friend bean would say
Mahveen,”oompa oompa.”
by mahveenisasimp July 1, 2020
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A role given when anyone is an immeasurable violent threat to any society (physically or mentally) and immeasurable hater of Wonkanese. Should be avoided at all costs, if seen report to authorities to sacrifice.
Should not be used as a insult, this role is too derogatory to be used in that manner.
On behalf of North Korean Willy Wonka, the Wonkanese Federal Court hereby makes you an Oompa Loompa Salad. Your sacrificing will be at the last of the OLS sacrifice list.
by Wonkanese November 4, 2022
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A small Mexican woman that has Orange skin and a fat pussy
Man1: aye foo that girl had a fat ass pussy so fat my dick didn’t fit

Man2: o yeah that Oompa Loompa pussy crazy
by November 3, 2020
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What Bruno Mars calls himself. All of the Hooligans thinks he’s delusional. He is by no means chubby. He’s short so that’s where “Oompa Loompa” comes in.
Hooligans: take ur shirt off Brunoooo
Bruno Mars: no! I’m a chubby Oompa Loompa! Let me be fat and happy!
Hooligans: ur not fat shut up Bruno
by Hooligan4life October 12, 2017
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When someone tends to stand out in the crowd. Usually not in a good way.
Man. You can literally see Tyler’s fucking forehead over this crowd. The tallest oompa loompa right there I think.
by Avery Doddles March 23, 2022
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A person who discriminates another individual because they are an Oompa Loompa
Guys don’t be friends with him, his a oompa-loompist
by Rah rah the lion December 20, 2020
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A sub genre of grind core often sonically similar to pornogrind and goregrind; characterized by the "oompa oompa" sound created by chugging palm muted power chords and kick-snare-kick-snare drum beats
"Have you heard cemetery rapist? They're like porno, oompa oompa grind. Pretty sexy stuff"
by CaptInGoreTitties October 12, 2013
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