why cant you lot just stop talking about stuff you dont understand why cant people see that everyone is different. Believe it or not some people dress like this because they want to and most of us do have really tough lives and aren't well off but we dont complain about it we just keep ourselves to ourselves and deal with it in our own way when do you see an emo spit in the street or kick a can or yell abuse at you or graffiti everywhere unlike some people i could mention.Let me ask you a question could any of you lot hold a blade to your skin and cut it at will you couldnt,so just think about how much pain you'd have to be in to do some thing like that.
we dont do anything to upset you so why upset us and look down on us like your better and too intelligent to feel emotions and cry.Believe it or not theres this organ in the human body called a heart why dont you use it.
by natalie aka bing March 20, 2007
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A group of people who think that because they have long hair, tight pants, and an attitude that they're better/sadder/more depressed that other people. Really aren't a different subculture, just teens who shop at Hot Topic and look despairingly at you.
David: I'm so emo. I'm dark and bad and apathetic.

Kayla: Grow up. Either go goth or let it go, David.
by twerd123 April 10, 2009
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EMO is music. A type of Music. look it up. music Not a label.
Sorry to inform you all of that sad fact.
Grow up and get a life. Stop labeling people like they are cans of soup. Just becasue you cut yourself your 'emo' what about the others who do it? The Girly girls? No Black insight?
What about the 'emo' kids who have pink rooms? what about all the innocent people, you hurt with one word?
Random kid cyring.
Someone automatically calls them emo, and yet there's a cheerleader cutting herself in the corner.
by starless_sky February 7, 2008
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A sub-genre of rock music closely related to punk.
Other sub-genre's similar or easily mistanken to be emo could be Post-Hardcore or Pop-Punk.

Emo (or "Emo Kids") also refers to people who listen to emo, (usually teenagers). The common stereotype with emo's are that they are deppressed, bisexual, fake, self loathing, dark, sensitive, and extremely associated with self harm. This is not always the case. Yes, some emo's are deppressed, but not all of them. Some are bisexual, others arent. etc, etc, etc... Those stereotypes can apply to other sub cultures, not just emo.

There is a large number of emo kids that arent like that. There are quite a lot of happy, confident emo's.
Emo bands: My Chemical Romance, Hawthorne Heights, Taking Back Sunday, Dashboard Confessional.
by xxxThAt-GuYxxx April 13, 2007
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Just another label people use to try and catagorize people out of fear of diversity.
Person 1- That kid is so emo
Person 2- Naw man! She just wears black. Labels can't describe people!
by Rena Rose May 31, 2007
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emo is a genre of music.

in the late 80s the punk music at the time was derrived into two genres 1. Emotionally Hardcore. 2. Hardcore Punk.

now in the early 90s to the 2000s people are making it seem like emo is a fad.
little boys and girls running around kissing eachother.
in tight pants hitting there parentals and not jumping around at fucking hardcore shows.

Boy: you stupid fucktards. Emo is a genre of music. go fall off a clif.
by falynn November 1, 2007
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the definition of temporary. Emo is the belief by adolescents that covering your face with dyed-black hair, wearing skin tight pants, a pink belt and a purple hoodie will help you fit in at school and make more friends.
Emo is a concept so ridiculous and immature to anyone no longer in high school that it inevitably fades away after graduation and the so-called emos take on normal adult lives.
Can anyone picture emo finance man on his way to work on wall street?
or emo grandpa at the nursing home?
or emo dad taking the kids out to a baseball game?
Does any emo reading this really think that he's going to dress and act that way for the rest of his life?
Little Suzy Bjorkman, age 5, visited grandpa emo at the nursing home last sunday. Still sporting dyed black hair covering half his face and talking with an extremely nasally voice he spent the entire sunday spurting out random blobs of nonsense which annoyed the mature nurses incredibly. This was a combination of alsheimers and a lifetime of being emo.

Come on, can any of you actually picture a grandpa emo doing that?
by an adult who knows better March 31, 2009
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