The pissed-off cockroach motherfuckers that they couldn't kill. Jaded and cynical, brash, often activists by necessity, tend to be older (but not necessarily), definitely battle hardened. From Anthony Oliveira's 2016 tweets:

"oh sorry if we are being unfair unfortunately u guys murdered all the nice gays & now there's just us: the assholes."
"the queers who were nice/patient/gentle all got shot or bullied to death all that's left r me & the other pissed-off cockroach motherfuckers"
Spent my whole queer life fighting for survival, your hate couldn't kill me, I'm fuelled by pure spite and your salty conservative tears, I am a cockroach queer!
by Ani O'brien is a groomer April 5, 2023
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ILLITERATE COCKROACHES is my favourite band
by Rubbish world July 4, 2023
Someone in politics who is weak yet somehow manages to be really difficult to get rid of. They have no loyalties or convictions and will change sides at the drop of a hat. As soon as the winds of power shift, they suddenly find themselves on the other side. They often leverage their position to parasitically leach off higher powers, usually for massive amounts of money.

Examples throughout history include:
-The Eastern Client Kings of the late Roman republic (Lydia, Thracia, Pontus, Cappadocia, etc.)
-The Boyars of 15th century Wallachia
-Qatar's government
Ariobarzanes III of Cappadocia is such a political cockroach.
by cool boy1838 January 13, 2023
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When you find a cockroach in your apartment right before going to bed and your girlfriend is too freaked out to have sex.
"I swear to god, those damn cockroaches only show up on nights when I'm going to get some. Cockroach blocked again."
by Aemar July 11, 2015
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A song from the 2013 album "The Mountain" by British progressive metal band Haken.
The song is the most popular song in their discography and is considered by many to be their best.
"The Cockroach King sits on his throne, with a Midas Touch and a heart of stone."
by Pastek December 12, 2019
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General public coming out for recreational activity when the weather is only warm and sunny.

This phenomena usually occurs early spring in climates where cold winters occur. ie Northern USA and Canada.
Active people such as serious runners/triathletes/cyclist are not part of the effect due to the fact that they are usually serious about their cause and cold weather does not affect them.

99% of all other people that go for walks, bike rides, and runs to get fit from all the fat they gained over the winter, but only, when the temperature rises above 32F/0C with he sun shining and no wind are part of the cockroach effect. As soon as the sun the goes behind the cloud or the wind picks up they scatter back in their homes to eat and sleep and shit. (Like a cockroach) and wait for another super perfect nice sunny day to continue their non-existent goal to fitness.

If you go for walks, runs, bike ride, play sports (to name a few activities) only when the weather is perfect. Your part of the cockroach effect...

If you go to the gym, or stop being active in the winter...Your part of the cockroach effect...

If you decide to become fit and go for a run when the sun is only shining and you haven't run since high-school thinking you will be skinny and fit, but quit, as soon as the temperature drops or even before that... Your part of the cockroach effect...

At this point you should kill your self.
Hey Daniel, I've been riding my mountain bike all winter. Wanted to go today but is a really sunny day and the trails will packed with people who haven't been outdoors since last summer.

I hear you bud, I hate the cockroach effect.
by Downfallofsociety March 18, 2013
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those people that exist for facebook and how many
friends they have. Once you get them they just don't go
away and they multiply
I let so and so be my friend, now I have 150 more
cyber cockroaches on my list!
by Bird dog man January 19, 2010
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