Literally the worst insult known to man. Ur mom gay, Ur daddy lesbian, Ur granny tranny, and Ur Grandpap a Trap are nothing compared to this
1:Ur mom gay
2:Ur daddy lesbian
1:Ur granny tranny
2:Ur grandpap a trap
1:Ur bro a hoe
2:*smited by gods magnum dong*
by Lemon crab man pork March 21, 2018
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When a bro chooses a homie over a bitch
Yaseen: Lets go to the movies!

Denver: Nah ima get laid tonight

Yaseen: Bros before hoes bitch!

Denver: Nah ima get laid

Yaseen: Ok sorry for trying to cock block you :
by Sun Diego February 26, 2008
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Nyx and piper are hoe bros because there hoes
by It’sKenzo November 16, 2019
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B- ur mom gay
Me - ur dad a lesbian
B - ur granny tranny
Me - ur grandpap a trap
B - ur sister a mister
Me - ur bro a hoe
B- *dies
by B killa69 March 16, 2018
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To be honest I think it should be the other way around... because if you just always talk to ur god damn friends and always go to their houses you need to talk to ur gurl like she invites you over and you have plans for going to a friends house cancel the plans because if you say that yo love her sooo much then maybe just maybe you should hang out with her
Ugggghhh god damn I hate bro’s before hoes I just wanna hang with my bby.
by Big chungaaaassss November 30, 2019
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^^what to say when your broski refuses to go shopping with you after school and instead goes to get her ass pounded by her bowl cut boyfriend.
it has become increasingly apparent that ka ching fu does not understand this term.

a special mention to: rachael chow and bridget tang (寶貝)
"bros before hoes" i uttered under my breath as she was pulled from the train

she whispered a pathetic "sorry" all the whilst avoiding eye contact with me, before promptly receiving a multitude of forehead hickies. does she feel guilt, leaving me in the dust? or is she void of human emotion, but a placeholder for the wonderful woman (?) she once was?

"bros before hoes kc" i muttered, moments before i ended it all.
by ifuckinghatenaomi6969696969 October 31, 2022
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To never choose a girl over your bros, spend time with your bros more than you spend time with the girl that might be cheating on you.
-Michael B-
" girl- come hang out with me. Boy- sorry, bros over hoes😌.
by Michaelbrr November 26, 2020
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